This is a place where "the Mommy" can blog about "the Boys"... they outnumber her 3-to-1, so she needs to be able to vent about them somewhere. 

And there is a plan to have more kids in the future, so maybe in 2012 the numbers will even out a little more, looking like a full count (them being the 3 balls lol), or with Mommy's luck it'll just put her further behind.

Oh and expect some scrappy stuff too.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Queen of the Hill

Well, in some respects. What I really mean is that I'm in the midst of conquering the pile of CRAP that clutters the craft/play room.

I'm almost done with Albert's train table, now to just find homes for everything that doesn't fit under the table in nice little bins... I COULD put it in bins on top of the train table, but that would defeat the purpose of having a train table, no??? Hopefully I can conquer this tonight so that I can get a handle on the mess of scrap-crap. I miss scrapbooking!!! And I feel like I could be so much more efficient if I didn't have to dig for stuff.

Well, on another note, its almost Friday!! I'm hoping to start some kind of scrappin routine, where I make time every Friday to do something and share it with you all!! And by all, I mean the 2-3 people that occasionally visit. haha. Oh well!!

Time to get Albert to bed, here's a picture for the night...

=o) the Mommy

1 comment:

Jane said...

Aww, they are cuties! I'm outnumbered too...two boys and a husband. Even if you add in the male and female dog...we are still outnumbered! LOL.

Oh well, at some point in our life maybe it'll come in handy. Maybe our boys will grow up to be car mechanics or something. ;-)

Hope you are getting some sleep soon. Would love to see more artwork on your blog!
