This is a place where "the Mommy" can blog about "the Boys"... they outnumber her 3-to-1, so she needs to be able to vent about them somewhere. 

And there is a plan to have more kids in the future, so maybe in 2012 the numbers will even out a little more, looking like a full count (them being the 3 balls lol), or with Mommy's luck it'll just put her further behind.

Oh and expect some scrappy stuff too.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

And how could I forget...

Happy birthday SIL!!!

Love you to pieces... I don't have any sibs of my own, so I don't think you know how GRATEFUL and LUCKY and HAPPY I am to have a "real" sister. And you are such a wonderful Aunt to the boys, they cherish all the time they get to spend with you and especially for that I thank you.

=o) kel

It's already been 30 days...

Wow.. I can't believe its been 30 days since my last post. Poor showing on my part. Apologies for not being around so much but things have been hectic around here trying to get everything ready for Amare's bday party.

If you're mailing in that RSVP card, do so BEFORE the 12th because postage rates go up that day and either you or I will owe the PO an extra penny!! Plus, they're due on the 12th. haha.

Also contributing to the hectic-ness is the bizzzzzness... we finally got the shopping cart installed and are in the process of figuring out how to tweak it to make it look purty. What was "guaranteed in one business day" took over a WEEK to finish... which wasn't entirely the tech's fault... he and I went back and forth making sure certain files and permissions were set to make it work right... and I'm still not entirely sure what all that means but hey, it works and that's all I really care!!

So give me a month... June 1st we'll have a big 'ol launch party and it will be soooooo mucho fun-o. I've already got a ton of ideas and projects and new manufacturers I want to bring in... just biding our time and making sure what we've currently got works before we invest in more.

And plus, the next couple weeks are mostly dedicated to Amare's bday, and then the week after that we go on vacay, so I'm slowly working on it (J's sleeping, if that gives you any indication of his hand in all this) with the last push the last week of May. Tired of saying "the website's a work in progress" or "the website is coming soon"... wanting it to be HERE and NOW.

Well, time to hit the hay... it's 143am (i love you!!!) and I'm trying to break the routine of me sleeping from 5 or 7am til noon. Waking up at 7 is better than falling asleep at 7, I think.

oh, and the 3 big "kids" in the fam (me, J and Albert) got DS' last night. why? well, the going excuse right now is for the trip. But it's really because I think deep, deep down (okay, maybe not all that deep), J and I wanted one. And if we got it, Albert needed his own too because we won't share. Sheesh... I know I don't plan to!! haha.

=o) kel